職場のコミュニケーション研究会 “Capturing the Reality of the Workplace”
場所:龍谷大学深草キャンパス 和顔館(地下1階)B110
コミュニケーション研究を通して「職場のリアリティ」を映し出し、多文化共生や包摂性を考える研究会を開催いたします。職場談話研究分野で世界的にもっとも有名なLanguage in the Workplace ProjectのリーダーであるMeredith Marra先生を基調講演者として迎え、職場談話研究の最先端の研究成果についてご講演いただきます。
研究報告(話題提供) 20分+質疑応答5分 <下記時間はおおよその予定、報告タイトルは(仮)>
13時30分~13時40分 Introduction
Kazuyo Murata (Ryukoku University) 村田和代(龍谷大学)
Communication Design in a Multicultural Workplace: From a Relational Perspective
Kazuyo Murata (Ryukoku University) 村田和代(龍谷大学)
Interactive and Reflective Morning Meetings: Focusing on JLF Communication Situations
Esuko Yoshida (The University of Shiga Prefecture) 吉田悦子(滋賀県立大学)
Whose policy? : A collaborative construction of stories over company policies
Saki Ohira (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) 大平幸(立命館アジア太平洋大学)
Framing Japanese work culture: a YouTube content analysis
Hsin-Hua CHIANG (The University of Tokyo) 江 欣樺(東京大学)
Where have all the global resources gone? Reconciling ideals with workplace reality
Andrew Barke and Momoyo Shimazu (Kansai University) バーク・アンドリュー、嶋津百代(関西大学)
基調講演 16時10分~17時10分 基調講演後20分程度質疑応答
The ins and outs of belonging: Inclusion and exclusion in the workplace
Dr. Meredith Marra (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Inclusion in the workplace is increasingly recognised as central to wellbeing and belonging. But what does inclusion ‘look like’ in everyday communicative practices?
In this talk I focus on ways in which newcomers establish membership in their communities and the constraints that may keep them feeling locked out. Using a lens of intercultural communication, I explore the relevance of societal norms on our daily interactional routines at work. The data is drawn from the Language in the Workplace corpus, and analysis makes use of our theoretical model which unpacks the influence of societal norms, industry norms, team norms and face-to-face interactional norms.
Illustrating my claims with linguistic data, my goal is to highlight the unacknowledged bias that impacts on a newcomer’s sense of belonging. I demonstrate how this micro level approach adds concrete evidence of discrimination for policy makers to address.

主催)科研19K00751, 15K02538